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One in five Brits has "Balance Denial Syndrome" - Financial news from Quotesure - 30/06/2005

Lloyds TSB has introduced text alerts advising customers of their bank balance.
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One in five Brits has "Balance Denial Syndrome"

New research from Lloyds TSB has found that nearly one in five Britons suffers from "Balance Denial Syndrome", the condition where people avoid checking their bank balance.

A further 33 per cent only check their account once a month, whilst a shocking one in six will never check it at all.

Lloyds TSB suggests that this type of behaviour could lead to becoming one of the 18 per cent of Britons who frequently over-estimate their available funds by more than £100.

To combat the problem, the company has introduced text alerts to inform customers how much money they have in the bank.

Matthew Timms, Lloyds TSB internet and ATM director, said: "By getting regular updates on the amount of money you have, you are less likely to go into the red which means you'll be less fearful about checking in the first place."

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