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Contentment with a £12k cost - Financial news from Quotesure - 07/10/2005

A new survey questioned the population's attitudes towards being financially comfortable.
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Contentment with a £12k cost

The old adage that money can't buy happiness seems to have been disproved in a new report.

Prudential claims that the average Brit would be financially happy if they earned a mere £12,000 more.

Depending upon where people lived in the country, their contentment in life varied considerably.

Those in North were found to be the most financially content in the country, with 13 per cent expressing their happiness in the survey.

Londoners were the most unsatisfied, with one in ten of city-dwellers wanting an extra £10,000 per month to make them happy.

The population revealed that it was prepared to go to great lengths to achieve extra riches.

Just under half of respondents were prepared to cut back on going out, 12 per cent would go without food, and incredibly two per cent said they would turn to crime.

Two per cent of adults said they would never be happy unless they earned an extra £1.2 million per year, while one per cent claimed they would never be financially fulfilled, regardless of how much money they had.

Roger Ramsden, Director for PruLab and Marketing, Prudential UK, said that with careful financial planning, most Brits could make themselves feel more secure.

'People don't have to win the lottery to be content. They just need to plan their finances to avoid any nasty surprises.'

Commitment was defined by Brits in the survey by things such as not worrying about bills, being able to buy items without anxiety at repercussions, and having a bit of cash left over at the end of the month.

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