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Internet banking on the up - Financial news from Quotesure - 04/10/2005

Internet banking is growing in popularity says a new report.
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Internet banking on the up

More people are turning away from traditional methods of banking in favour of the internet, says a new report.

While older people traditionally steered away from using e-banking, cahoot says that customers more advanced in years are now getting to grips with new technology.

Nearly two in three people aged between 55 and 64 now have internet access, with half of all over 50's using it for their banking.

Females have increasingly gone online to bank, in numbers that nearly rival male users. However women were twice as unlikely to perform more complicated banking tasks on the net.

'Five years ago, when cahoot first launched, the internet and the people who used it were very different,' said managing director of cahoot, John Goddard.

'In a relatively short space of time, online banking has become the first choice for many people regardless of gender, age, socio-economic background or location.'

Outlining the convenience of the internet, Mr Goddard said that he expected internet use to rise in the future.

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