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More money means living longer says study - Financial news from Quotesure - 21/09/2005

Having a bit of wealth suggests a person will live five years longer on average.
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More money means living longer says study

Having more money seems to make you healthier, according to the findings of a new report.

Most Brits tend to agree that having some extra cash makes life a little bit easier and now new research from South Huddersfield Primary Care Trust suggests that money can make you live longer.

A more affluent person tends to live on average five years longer than someone with less money.

It also seems that money can also have an effect on mental health.

Those living in less well-off areas are eight times more likely to suffer from mental health problems than people living in better areas.

'We always knew that wealthier, more affluent people lived longer but now we can say exactly how much longer,' said Dr Sohail Bhatti, director of public health for Huddersfield Central and South Huddersfield primary care trusts.

'We can also calculate mortality rate at postcode level for the first time,' Dr Bhatti added.

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